EVERYONE A SAFE AND BLESS DAY!! Hands On: Babes, beaches,glory dazes. Birthdays.Easter's coming.From Here to Eternity . Ummm...an ageless child of the universe, a gift from the stars and to the stars.Fairy Tales, Red Hoods Tales. Hands On: Babes, beaches,glory dazes.
YOU ARE A STAR IN THE DREAMS THAT YOU CREATE WHEN YOU SLEEP, DREAMS IN ACTIONS ARE GOALS AND PLANS IN PLACE, DREAMS AND GOALS VARY WITH THE DEADLINES.On the road to Redemption. To fail, first attempts in learning, the end is effects never ends, equals next opening.
What if we’ve all been primed?We’re all in this together. Stay home. Stay safe. We’ll get through this. It’s our new normal."IT IS A SCAMDEMIC PEOPLE !!!!OUR GOVERNMENT ONCE AGAIN IS PLAYING US LIKE THE PROVERBIAL FIDDLE WE ARE. WITH DEMENTED BIDEN FAILING AT EVERY PUBLIC SPEAKING THE LEFT IS THROWING A " HAIL MARRY.On the road to Redemption. To fail, first attempts in learning, the end is effects never ends, equals next opening.
On the road to Redemption. To fail, first attempts in learning, the end is effects never ends, equals next opening.I swear I thought of u. Birds To Fly...Close up..OVERVIEW.Dances In The Streets, Witches,Bitches With Stars.
Courage, Persistence, & Dedication To Her Values Were Her Weapons: How This Reader Wore No Face Mask in a Hospital and Doctor’s Office
No Victory Lap For Governors Who Locked Down America
The Limited Government Dilemma
George F. Smith,Over The Decades: Paths To Cross, Roads Traveled. Walking On Sunshine, Head In Clouds, Angels To Host. Endless possibilities. Boys to men, FOREVER HOME: Until Tomorrow: Shine.
Thank God for everything, eyes open right, views of the world.No Ordinary Love. STOP THE DENIAL! SMART & RICH BETTER THAN SMART & POOR! BILLBOARD'S MESSAGE The “Make America White Again”. Loyalty makes you family. Blood makes you related, cons, coins, cattle runs. Suns Lights.Buff 2 Butch. I'm sure this will offend some...guess what?Lights On: Tunnel End Lights at the end of Tunnel Happy and delighted still, and hope is burning high tonight with special prayers to the Rick Ben sons around the world, because of the heat.
Talking heads, wits, charms, grace, from the old schools, back in time, baby boomers, birthdays daily, Christmas and Easter to, in my world, what about you. Examine what is said, not him who speaks. - Proverb.A Country That Has Lost Its Way: U.S. Government and Corporations Combine To Strip Citizens of Their Rights.
'Roads to travel, parts and pieces, in the dawn, at the top of the morning, have to say, it has been rough, it has been raw, it has been a long ride.People of all Nations, Religions, Faiths, Race and Color.... Don’t expect anyone to understand your journey, especially if they’ve never walked to your path.You crazy! But you ain't as crazy as I am. Lessons daily, in all the things we do, pages to books. I welcome you all.A Country That Has Lost Its Way: U.S. Government and Corporations Combine To Strip Citizens of Their Rights.
GOTBLUEDREAMSINAIRWORLDSCREATEDOCEANS.BLOGSPOT.COMThanks for the share, I needed that, good job, keep up the good work. It's better to write about things you feel than about things you know about. L P. Hartley #writing Amy Murphy.Lights On: Tunnel End Lights at the end of Tunnel Happy and delighted still, and hope is burning high tonight with special prayers to the Rick Ben sons around the world, because of the heat.A Country That Has Lost Its Way: U.S. Government and Corporations Combine To Strip Citizens of Their Rights.
EVERYONE A SAFE AND BLESS DAY!! Hands On: Babes, beaches,glory dazes. Birthdays.Easter's coming.From Here to Eternity . Ummm...an ageless child of the universe, a gift from the stars and to the stars.Fairy Tales, Red Hoods Tales. 😊 Smiling Face With Smiling Eyes 😋 Hands On: Babes, beaches,glory dazes.
No voice has ever spoken such transcendent truth with such authority and communicated it so effectively. It will be many generations before music again produces an artist so respected and beloved world-wide as Bob Marley. It’s our new normal.I swear I thought of u. Birds To Fly...Close up..OVERVIEW.Dances In The Streets, Witches,Bitches With Stars.
What if we’ve all been primed?We’re all in this together. Stay home. Stay safe. We’ll get through this. It’s our new normal."IT IS A SCAMDEMIC PEOPLE !!!!OUR GOVERNMENT ONCE AGAIN IS PLAYING US LIKE THE PROVERBIAL FIDDLE WE ARE. WITH DEMENTED BIDEN FAILING AT EVERY PUBLIC SPEAKING THE LEFT IS THROWING A " HAIL MARRY.
Keep Fighting.DC.PS: You’re Going to Love This Book!This is what I woke up to this glorious day that God has made ..There'll never be...Kat...WE GIVE ,WHAT WE GET,Retards, rednecks, snakes in the grass, faces of frogs, whales on land. Big and fat, layers of pigs, hogs to the market, worlds of hams to eat. Fun and games, lots of love, lots of lies, franks and beans, kids and goats, songs to sing. Veterans with skills, homeless blues.Balls Online. White Knights, dream dates, mothers pride, trips to the lands of dreams, awards given, good times. Love friends forever. A Dance in the Woods .

Life Is A Beach Blog Time running away with me, Fridays, happy and delight for another one, time to share, moments by moments, the love and the luck, the running to races, rats to run. Good times, good moves made, hits and misses, dances in …Fridays, Always Happy, Moments By Moments.I do it because I can, I can because I want to, I want to because you said I couldn't.

Joys And Pains: Fairy tales told when we ...Stay up, blessed & positive. We are here to heal, not harm. We are here to love, not hate. The sign of a beautiful person is that they always see the beauty in others.Original of you.None are more ,HOPELESSLY ENSLAVED ,than those who falsely BELIEVE they are free -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,IT IS A SCAMDEMIC PEOPLE !

SCCA Players Club! (Menifee)Thanks Johnny Depp.Fantastic article mate!America of old was vastly superior to what we are experiencing today."Time to change, time to http://grow.TODAY IS A NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER. GOD BLESS EVERYONE!One day you will wake up and there won't be
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